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While principal responsibility for determining the sustainability strategy, its implementation and how Bunzl’s business areas should integrate sustainability considerations remain decisions for the Board. The Board Sustainability Committee (the ‘BSC’) is established to provide, amongst other things, strategic advice to the Board with respect to the principal objectives, targets and priorities of Bunzl’s sustainability strategy.
Our Business Area Heads are responsible for identifying key sustainability risks as part of the overall risk assessment process at Bunzl and are responsible to the Group Sustainability Committee, the Board Sustainability Committee and ultimately the Board for the management of those risks.
The BSC provides an oversight function to the Group Sustainability Committee and is established to allow for more detailed strategic consideration of the opportunities and risks presented by sustainability and to supplement the work of the Board in this area.
The BSC comprises all of the independent non-executive directors and the Chairman of the Board, who also chairs the Committee. The CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Group HR and Head of Sustainability are also usually invited to attend Committee meetings. The Committee meets at least three times a year.
Our Group Sustainability Committee is a cross-functional leadership committee that engages the management teams and operating companies across our business areas and provides oversight and strategic guidance for our programme.
Chaired by our CEO and attended by members of our executive team, the Committee meets quarterly to ensure Bunzl has an ambitious sustainability strategy, which is subject to effective governance. It sets targets and monitors progress while providing support for our business area sustainability teams.
The EHS Committee is responsible to the Group Sustainability Committee for identifying suitable policies and procedures covering environmental and occupational health & safety management to support continuous improvement and regulatory compliance.
The Supply Chain Committee is responsible to the Group Sustainability Committee for developing processes and procedures to assess opportunities and mitigate risks within our global supply chains, ensuring regulatory compliance as a minimum.